
In the Beginning...

It only seems appropriate to start things out this way. I've had this blog for awhile and just hemmed and hawed over where to start, what to start with, etc. Then, it dawned on me..."In the beginning God..." So that's where I'm going to start. I want to know Him better. I want to draw closer to Him and the only way I can do that is #1: through prayer, #2: reading scripture and #3: experience. I've always struggled especially with #2, reading scripture, always. My husband devours it like some sort of crazed, Bible-savage and I'm so overwhelmed by the scope of it that I can't even begin to grasp where in the world I should start. I am a Christian and I feel it's important to read and understand scripture, but the mere thought of it almost bores me to tears. I'm also a right-brained artist with a penchant for humor in bizarre places. In other words, if I'm going to stick my nose in some old book I have to find some way to make it a fun and enjoyable experience, erstwhile learning something in the process. Enter: A Challenge. Thirty-One days through the Proverbs just doesn't seem like much of a challenge (not to mention I've tried that one at least a dozen times) and 365 days through the ENTIRE Bible seems absurdly daunting. I need something manageable, but sizable enough to measure progress. I want to know a little bit about about a whole lot...or at the very least be able to hold my own in a quasi-intellectual debate with my husband and win, just once, or at the very least have him say, "Hmm, that's an interesting point." Something that justifies the journey somehow...maybe that's the wrong motivation, though. But reading for reading's sake hasn't gotten me anywhere thus far so maybe I'll start where I am (that whole bloom-where-you're- planted-thing) and see where I end up. I discover a reading plan on Bible Gateway for a biblical survey. 61 Days from Genesis to Revelation. It hits the high points of every book from beginning to end. More than 30, less than 365...this actually sounds manageable. I immediately whip up a chart reminiscent of my kindergarten days where you get a smiley-faced sticker every time you complete your assignment. Hey, I'm an artist-I need visuals. I gather my supplies: my truly awesome hot pink leather bible and a hot pink highlighter (just in case I find something interesting). Assignment #1: Genesis 1-3, 12, 15 & 22...Let the journey begin! Did I just use a Navy slogan? I guess I'm still a little salty...

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