
Holy Sleep From Heaven

Excerpt from: Gen. 2:21 (TNIV)

21 So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and then closed up the place with flesh.

I don't know how your husband sleeps at night, but if he's anything like mine I can totally understand how it was possible for God to remove a rib from Adam without him knowing about it. You could do the same thing to my husband, kidneys, spleen, liver…leave him in a bathtub of ice water with a crazy note. All joking aside, I seriously think he would never be any the wiser until he tried to wake up in the morning, that is. Now I on the other hand would be a whole other story. The moment I felt my PJ's wiggle I'd be wide awake – wait, this whole rib-stealing scene takes place before the fig-leaf bit, right? Fair enough, story still applies though. I would have to be in some kind of sleep for someone, God Almighty included, to remove a bone from my body without my knowing. I've had my share of blonde moments, but I'm quite certain I would notice this, for sure. Now if any of you happen to have caught this article from REAL SIMPLE then you know I would definitely love me some of that kind of sleepin'. (Yes, that's me). Maybe I'll add that to my prayer wall.

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